Clinical Governance and Quality Assurance

At Northern Healthcare our reputation as a trusted, professional healthcare provider is determined by the quality of our services. To be highly effective in supporting our clients’ recoveries, it is essential that we establish a consistent, high level of quality throughout every area of the organisation.  To achieve this, we developed a comprehensive and rigorous clinical governance framework which is modelled around the CQC regulations for service providers.

What is CQC?

The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. Their work and guidance ensure that service standards are met and where any services fail to meet the standards, the action is taken to ensure that people who use the services are not disadvantaged through continual poor quality.

The CQC monitors and inspects services to assess the quality and provide ratings to indicate whether they are complying with regulations. They also provide a set of guidelines to help service providers to put the relevant processes and frameworks in place to comply with their regulations.

What is Northern Healthcare registered to provide?

The registration covers treatment of disease, disorder or injury & personal care.

What regulations does Northern Healthcare comply with?

The two key sets of regulations we demonstrate compliance with are:

  • Health and Social Care Act 2008 Regulations 2014
  • Care Quality Commission Regulations 2009

Under each of these are a comprehensive set of regulations including governance of fit and proper persons employed, staffing standards, safeguarding, dignity and respect amongst other crucial standards within the industry. To find out more about these regulations visit the CQC website.


Staff knew people well and recognised the value of person-centred care. This meant people’s support was individual and personalised to their needs and preferences. Staff supported people to engage in a range of activities including holidays, paid and voluntary work, socialising, and accessing community activities. (CQC Report 2024)

If have a specific enquiry about our services, please get in touch with our team. We look forward to hearing from you.

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