Life at Radcliffe Lodge

resident enjoying ice cream on seafront

Our supported living services are full of activities with a busy calendar of group cooking classes, exercise, health and nutrition workshops, 1-2-1 time and occupational therapy to suit everyone’s needs and help our residents to reach their recovery goals.

Highlights from life at Radcliffe Lodge

Celebrating Pride

Our service had an incredible time participating in a Pride Walk, spreading love and positivity every step of the way! Radcliffe Lodge also:

  • Decorated the service with vibrant flags and colourful decor.
  • Enjoyed delicious pride-themed cakes.
  • Celebrated the spirit of pride and unity together.
  • Hosted a Pride BBQ, bringing everyone together in a vibrant celebration.

At Northern Healthcare, we stand proud and united in supporting the LGBT+ community. Let’s keep celebrating love and acceptance every day!

Inclusion Week
They kicked off Inclusion Week by celebrating the African culture at an event in York.
Everyone also worked hard to ensure a full schedule of activities to celebrate the African culture – the people we support decorated the service, and fully stocked it with artwork from the week.
Mental Health Awareness Week at NHC!
The service decorated their space green and created a special board for the week ahead.
They whipped up a tray of green ribbon cupcakes – the green ribbon is the international symbol of mental health awareness!
Everyone also took the time to decorate their mental health garden with fairy lights to celebrate the week!
Comic Relief
The team celebrated Red Nose Day in style this year!
Snow Fun!
Everyone at Radcliffe Lodge took advantage of the snow.
Have an Ice Day!
Everyone took a trip to the local ice skating rink – look at them go!
A Pizza Party

The people we support hosted an Italian night where they made their own pizzas!

Christmas at NHC!

The people we support took a trip to the York Christmas markets.

Our lovely team baked a batch of mince pies!
Gardening Fun

A resident at Radcliffe Lodge and OTSW Sophie spent the day planting some herb seeds!

A new lick of paint

Residents had fun painting the picnic bench to brighten the garden area.

Zesty Baking Time

One of our residents baked this delicious Lemon Drizzle Cake for their coffee afternoon!

Feeling Crafty

Occupational therapy support worker, Sophie, joined Radcliffe Lodge residents for a therapeutic arts and crafts session!

Bowling Fun

Residents at Radcliffe Lodge enjoyed a trip into Leeds for a game of bowling, followed by lunch.

Cream Teas

Residents at Radcliffe Lodge had a morning of baking in preparation for their cream tea afternoon last week. Residents really enjoyed the fruits of their labour and had a lovely afternoon!

collage of photos showing residents baking scones collage of photos showing residents enjoying cream tea afternoon

Christmas Treats

Radcliffe Lodge residents enjoyed a lovely day baking some treats to take to the Christmas party at Hyde Park House – residents made mince pies, cheese scones and Christmas fairy cakes!

‘Tis the Season…

Our residents at Radcliffe Lodge had a lovely festive afternoon crafting their own Christmas ornaments and Christmas cards!

A Bonfire Night Staple

Residents at Radcliffe Lodge enjoyed making parkin for bonfire night!

Arts and Crafts

It’s that time of year when our winter woolies are starting to make an appearance. One of our Radcliffe Lodge residents has kindly knitted both herself and our Team Leader a lovely hat for winter!

Did you know #knitting has many #MentalHealth benefits including reduced #depression and #anxiety and an increased sense of #wellbeing? And they look fabulous!

Out and About

For the first day trip of 2023, residents enjoyed a visit to Otley!

collage of photos showing residents on day trip to Otley

Last week our Radcliffe Lodge residents took a trip to Morecambe, enjoying a walk along the seafront and a ride on the Ferris wheel! 🎡

Residents from Radcliffe Lodge were supported by our team to Skegness for a day trip. The day was jam packed with a visit to the arcades, a game of bowling, a coffee stop, a visit to see the lifeboats, and of course a seaside staple – fish and chips!

Residents enjoyed a trip to Blackpool in the sun, strolling along the prom and getting an adrenaline rush on the rollercoasters!

Our residents from Radcliffe Lodge visited York and enjoyed a trip to the Jorvik Viking Centre. Residents were completely immersed in Viking life and enjoyed exploring the centre in small tour carriages!

Radcliffe Lodge residents enjoyed a trip to Askham Wildlife Park where they learnt about the wildlife.

Some of our residents enjoyed a trip to Armley Mills, a museum of industrial heritage which includes collections of textile machinery, railway equipment and heavy engineering equipment. The grade II listed building which houses the museum was also once the world’s largest woollen mill!

residents at museum

Residents from Radcliffe Lodge visited the quaint and quirky town of Haworth. They enjoyed a wander through the streets, and visited the Brontë Parsonage museum, finishing off the day with a delicious cream tea! Everyone had a lovely day. Other day trips include Skipton, where residents enjoyed browsing the antique shops and admiring the quirkiness of the old buildings! Residents have also enjoyed a trip to Tropical World where they learnt about different species of animals.

Cooking Up a Storm!

Our residents were busy baking and icing Pudsey Bear shaped biscuits this weekend in aid of Children In Need – these look too cute to eat!

Our residents at Radcliffe Lodge enjoyed a pizza night, preparing their own homemade pizzas and choosing their favourite toppings!

Our residents at Radcliffe Lodge have been growing their own vegetables, and earlier this week they harvested and tasted their first crop of radish! We can’t wait to see what else they have been growing over the next few weeks.

Residents have been busy in the kitchen cooking up a storm! From Italian inspired lasagne to classic American burgers, residents enjoyed preparing tasty meals. The finished products look delicious!

One of our residents enjoyed cooking a Sunday lunch for everyone at Radcliffe Lodge. Everything was made from scratch, and the residents enjoyed tucking in to the classic roast dish.

Awesome Activities

The women’s Euros football final was enjoyed by residents at Radcliffe Lodge on Sunday, celebrating with a pizza and lots of cheers!

Our Radcliffe Lodge residents enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend with a shopping trip to the local market and a BBQ in the garden!

To celebrate Pride month, our residents baked rainbow cupcakes and made a floral bouquet from rainbow coloured paper. Everyone had a great time supporting the LGBTQ+ community!

Our Radcliffe Lodge residents enjoyed a Jubilee party over the weekend, and everyone had a great time!

One of our Radcliffe Lodge residents attends Thai boxing at the local gym. Our team discovered that another of our residents was an amateur boxer in their younger day, so the team purchased gloves and pads and our residents have been training together in the garden and bonding over their shared interest!

One of our Radcliffe Lodge residents was enjoying a stroll through Pudsey Park when she came across this lovely area of woollen Easter decorations. She discovered that volunteers at the Pudsey Community Craft Group had been busy making chicks, bunnies and Easter eggs, and decided to put them in the park and create a special Easter theme. What a lovely idea! 🐣

Residents and team members at Radcliffe Lodge have been busy getting stuck into a whole range of activities this week including painting bird boxes to place in the garden, an arts and crafts afternoon, and baking and cooking.

The lovely weather lifts everyone’s mood and means that we can get out and about a little more! 🌞

This week residents enjoyed a walk through the park with a stop at Scrumdiddlyumptious for coffee and cheesecake. The weekend sunshine also brought an impromptu picnic! Prawn curry, bacon sandwiches and spaghetti bolognaise were rustled up alongside the classic picnic sandwiches and sausage rolls. Our residents also enjoyed a woodland walk in their local woods, taking advantage of all the benefits getting out in nature has on our mental and physical health.

collage of purple and yellow flowers, coffee and cheesecake, and 2 male residents outside cafe with sign reading "scrumdiddlyumptious" collage of residents enjoying a selection of picnic food in the sun

One of our residents from Radcliffe Lodge has signed up for an 8 week “Canal Maintenance” course. This week was his first week on the course, and he was busy preparing houses for the birds! 🐤

Two of our Radcliffe Lodge residents enjoyed a trip to the Weatherby Whaler for “Fish Friday” last week – they had a great time tucking into delicious fish and chips! 🐟

female and male resident enjoying fish and chips female and male resident enjoying fish and chips

Staff at Radcliffe Lodge supported a resident at church to light a candle for his mum. Alice, a Support Worker at Radcliffe Lodge, drew a picture of the resident and his mum which really cheered up the resident and he was touched by the gesture.

Residents enjoyed games of darts and skittles, with a little healthy competition!


Residents at Radcliffe Lodge had a lovely week on the lead up to Christmas, making Christmas decorations and exchanging gifts.

A member of the community kindly offered residents at Radcliffe Lodge the opportunity to get involved in an upcycling project to restore 4 chairs 🪑

Our residents got involved sanding and painting the chairs, which are now back with their rightful owners. As you can see, the family are delighted with the result!

The member of the community also very kindly donated £20 to enable Radcliffe Lodge to purchase another item of furniture for the residents to upcycle!

family posing with upcycled chairs restored by Radcliffe House residents

Residents and staff at Radcliffe Lodge have made a start on their Halloween decorations. These cobwebs look incredibly realistic!

Residents at Radcliffe Lodge made the most of the Autumn sun with a trip to Whitby. Can you believe these snaps were taken in October?! They were greeted with beautiful blue skies and gorgeous views – it was even warm enough for an ice cream!

Radcliffe Lodge held a coffee morning for Macmillan at the end of September 2021. Our residents got stuck in with baking, colouring bunting, helping set the table and even took part in a short quiz. In total, together with Merchants House, Radcliffe Lodge have raised approximately £85 for Macmillan!

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