Kirk House Celebrate an Inspiring Year of Putting People First and Changing Lives

Kirk House team and residents celebrating

Northern Healthcare’s Carlisle-based supported living service is marking a key milestone as the team and residents celebrate the service’s one-year anniversary.

On Wednesday 22nd February Kirk House hosted an afternoon tea whilst reflecting on a busy first year since they opened in February 2022 and honouring all the people that make the service special. Our Kirk House team and residents invited friends, family and external health and social care professionals to mark the occasion. The day focused on celebrating the dedication of our team members and our residents’ truly inspiring support journeys!

Bruce Maclaren, Kirk House Service Manager comments: “I am so proud of how Kirk House has developed and thrived throughout its first year which would not have been possible without our amazing team, families, care teams and most importantly the residents themselves. We are grateful for the contributions made by everyone to make it the inspiring service it is today.

We have a team that is dedicated to enhancing the lives of our residents and improving their skills to help them reach their individual goals.

The residents have been able to develop at Kirk House, contribute to the growth of the service and truly make it a home they are proud of. As we continue to develop our success as a service, I am looking forward to the exciting opportunities to work together to help more people access the vital support they need through to the second year anniversary of our service and beyond.

I am proud to be part of this team and of the achievements made by everyone. I am also grateful for the development of external professional relationships which have helped us to build a positive and recognised service within the local community. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to inspiring our residents to achieve outstanding outcomes and supporting their journeys.”

Kirk House in Carlisle is an enhanced 24/7 supported living service for people living with a mental health diagnosis, learning disability, brain injury and/or autism. To find out more about the service click here.

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