Carers Rights

close up of two hands holding

In recognition of Carers Rights Day, we have created an article outlining our constant support to all carers and support workers throughout the world. Carers carry out an amazing job, and without them – the lives of many people wouldn’t be the same. Each year Carers Rights Day helps us:

  • Ensure carers are aware of their rights
  • Let carers know where to get help and support
  • Raise awareness of the needs of carers

We want to say a MASSIVE thank you to all the unpaid carers throughout the world who are caring for a loved one or relative. This blog is to help you find the support that you need and to remind you that you are not alone.

What does an unpaid carer entail?

The term ‘unpaid carer, refers to a partner, family member or close friend who temporarily or permanently carers for someone due to illness, disability, mental health problems or even addiction. According to NHS England, in 2011 there were around 5.4 MILLION people who provided unpaid care for a friend or family member – and this has only increased since then.

So, what is Carers Rights Day?

Carers Rights Day takes place in November, with the purpose of raising awareness of the needs of unpaid carers, as well as letting carers know where they are able to get more help and support. Many carers throughout the country struggle with their role and need to be reminded that there is support for them, and where they can find it.

This year the Carers Rights movement joined together with organisations from across the United Kingdom to help carers in their local communities find their way. Visit for more information on how YOU can help carers throughout the country.

We want to thank you!

As a mental health supported-living organisation, we understand the stresses and struggles when it comes to caring for others. With this in mind, we want to say a huge thank you to all the unpaid care workers out there for all the hard work that you put in, day in, day out. Without your support, thousands of people throughout the country would struggle to carry out their daily tasks.

For more information on the support you can receive visit or visit our website to find out how Northern Healthcare supports individuals with a mental health diagnosis, learning disability or brain injury.


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

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