Everything You Need To Know About Modern-Day Mental Health

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On average one adult in six has a mental health disorder – therefore, it has never been more important to bring mental health awareness to the forefront of people’s minds. It is important to understand the changes in how mental health is perceived and what we can do to help. As time progresses and technology advances, so do the types of mental health issues which are prominent – creating a need to constantly keep up to date with different modern-day mental health problems. Here are 3 modern day issues which outline different aspects of mental health:

  1. Social Media

The usage time of social media platforms has sky-rocketed in the past 10 years, with more and more young adults making use out of the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It has been proven that the more time young adults spend on social media, the more likely they were to have problems with their sleeping pattern or experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Even though social media was initially created with the overall motive to connect people, today it has reversed and become a way of comparing ourselves to others who may portray themselves better on these social media platforms. It is important to understand this and take notice when you feel it may be affecting a friend or family member. At Northern Healthcare, we ensure that all our residents are educated on the negative effects of social media and how they can use these platforms safely.

  1. Body Dysmorphia in adults

Although people usually associate body dysmorphia with young teens, this issue is also prominent in both young and mature adults. Being the main topic of this year’s mental health awareness week, people are starting to take notice of the effects this can have on people of all ages.

Body dysmorphic disorder is an anxiety disorder which could result in your experiencing obsessive worries about one or more perceived flaws in your physical appearance and developing compulsive and unhealthy routines, such as excessive use of mirrors. Social media can be a trigger to disorders like these, again, referring back to comparing ourselves to the way others feel we should look. Northern Healthcare helps all residents who may struggle with this, giving them the advice and support that they need to build a positive relationship with themselves.

  1. PTSD

You may have heard the term PTSD when relating to war veterans or people who have been involved in accidents. Post-traumatic stress disorder is caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events and can cause nightmares, flashbacks and feeling of isolation, irritability and guilt. This disorder is becoming more and more common with recent news articles stating that is it affecting a lot more people including police officers, firefighters and other public service workers.

If you are currently suffering from any of the problems stated above and need help, please get in touch with your nearest mental health service or visit your local GP. For more information on the services that Northern Healthcare have to offer, visit our website: https://www.northernhealthcare.org.uk/

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

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